Chicago skyline at night seen from  Lake Michigan. The image has a blue overlay.

Case By Case We Exhaust Every Remedy To Correct Property Tax Inequities

We understand that an excessive property tax can substantially diminish a property’s value. We have been advocating and correcting client property tax inequities for more than 40 years, resulting not only in significant tax savings for our clients but maintaining the marketability of their properties.

In 1982, Michael J. Madigan and Vincent “Bud” J. Getzendanner co-founded Madigan & Getzendanner. Since then, our firm has focused almost exclusively on seeking property tax relief for clients. Our lawyers are among the Chicago area’s most highly experienced and successful in prosecuting both administrative and judicial property tax appeals.

In 2023, Bud Getzendanner assumed the role of Of Counsel to the firm, turning the principal leadership over to two of the firm’s long-standing and experienced partners, Jeffrey A. Holland and Harold J. Hicks.

Now named Holland Hicks Law, the firm continues to provide comprehensive ad valorem real estate taxation counsel to clients through the greater Chicagoland area. Jeff and Harry are supported by our highly dedicated and skilled team of associates, real estate analysts and paralegals.

We understand that property taxes directly affect the value of a property. On a case by case basis, we craft a legal strategy to ensure our clients are not paying excessive taxes. At Holland Hicks Law, we are innovative and tenacious advocates, ready to exhaust every remedy available to attain significant property tax relief for each client.

Excessive property tax can diminish a property’s value.

Talk with us today to learn how to correct your property tax inequity.

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